
Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'm still here !!

So with all the craziness we call my life, I have been neglecting my so called project we call this little blog. With that, I am very sorry. Wow...does being ready to pop and running around after your crazy (but most adorable) little toddler keep you busy. By the time I put him down for bed, I'm so done. My mind doesn't even want to work, not to mention my body is finished with the day. I'm sleeping ok, besides the common wake up bathroom trips. Dylan has finally started sleeping through the night, which is a big help to my own sanity. Just for writing that, watch tonight he gets up 2 times. Dylan was never a good sleeper, but I think we finally got it down. The key is consistency in his naps and his bedtime routine!!

So this specific post has taken me a few days to write.....

While I was on the progress of writing that I started feeling a bit ill so I took a break. Here we are 2 days later and I think I'm about ready to have this baby. My actual due date is today; march 18th.
I have been noticing some action the last 2 days and today I went to the doctor and baby is engaged and I am 1 centimeter dialated. Now for the waiting game..tic toc!! My first labour was a very long process lasting around 34 hrs, and he was 2 weeks late. I have no idea how to feel right now, as I am getting mild contractions here and there but nothing as to where I remember them getting to. Only time will tell I guess!

I promise to keep you posted.

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